I offer counselling services on an agreed basis with my clients. I am not an on-call/crisis/emergency contact service.
If you find that you are in need of immediate support now or outside of your sessions, please consider contacting one of the resources below.

24/7 Support
TEXT: 85258
As a previous SHOUT volunteer I dedicated over 200 hours to support texters in crisis. I have inside experience and can confirm that volunteers here are put through high quality training before being able to offer support to others. SHOUT is available to contact 24/7 for immediate, confidential support. SHOUT is free to text from all major mobile networks in the UK.
CALL: 116 123
Samaritans offer a free, confidential call service to those who need a listening ear. You can call from any landline or mobile, with or without credit 24/7.
CALL: 111
NHS 111 is there for those who need advice or treatment, be that for their physical or mental health. NHS 111 is open 24/7 and you can call free from a landline or mobile phone. You can also contact NHS 111 online - a digital triage service. (available in England only)
Specific Support
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men aged between 15 and 35.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Free service to those with alcohol dependencies.
Aiming to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.
Beating Addictions
Helping those with addictions.
Cruse Bereavement
A helpline and support to those bereaved.
National charity dedicated to supporting individuals with Bipolar, their families and carers.
Charity for autistic people (including those with Asperger’s syndrome) and their families.
Gamblers Anonymous
Helping compulsive gamblers through live chats and forums.
Helping those who have experienced domestic violence to members of LGBTQ+ community.
Gender identity research & education society (GIRES)
Supporting the trans and gender non-confirming communities.
Charity focusing on obsessive compulsive disorder.
Advice and support for carers and the people they care for.
Information, help and support after rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse.
Helping members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air force, Veterans and their families.
Advice line for male victims of domestic abuse.
PANDAS- PnD Postnatal Depression Support
FREE HELPINE: 0808 1961 776
Offer support for those struggling with helplessness, low mood, anxiety or who have any concerns about their health during or beyond their pregnancy.
Supporting and empowering refugees & asylum seekers.
Provides grants to people of all ages who have a physical or learning disability.
Helping young people recognise unhealthy and abusive traits in their relationships.
Bereavement support.
Providing life enhancing services and to people later in life.
If you are feeling unsafe and in need of immediate support, please go to your nearest A&E department.
In a life-threatening emergency, call 999 and ask for an ambulance.